Source code for blues.integrators

import simtk
from openmmtools.integrators import AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator

# Energy unit used by OpenMM unit system
_OPENMM_ENERGY_UNIT = simtk.unit.kilojoules_per_mole

[docs]class AlchemicalExternalLangevinIntegrator(AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator): """Allows nonequilibrium switching based on force parameters specified in alchemical_functions. A variable named lambda is switched from 0 to 1 linearly throughout the nsteps of the protocol. The functions can use this to create more complex protocols for other global parameters. As opposed to `openmmtools.integrators.AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator`, which this inherits from, the AlchemicalExternalLangevinIntegrator integrator also takes into account work done outside the nonequilibrium switching portion(between integration steps). For example if a molecule is rotated between integration steps, this integrator would correctly account for the work caused by that rotation. Propagator is based on Langevin splitting, as described below. One way to divide the Langevin system is into three parts which can each be solved "exactly:" - R: Linear "drift" / Constrained "drift" Deterministic update of *positions*, using current velocities ``x <- x + v dt`` - V: Linear "kick" / Constrained "kick" Deterministic update of *velocities*, using current forces ``v <- v + (f/m) dt``; where f = force, m = mass - O: Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Stochastic update of velocities, simulating interaction with a heat bath ``v <- av + b sqrt(kT/m) R`` where: - a = e^(-gamma dt) - b = sqrt(1 - e^(-2gamma dt)) - R is i.i.d. standard normal We can then construct integrators by solving each part for a certain timestep in sequence. (We can further split up the V step by force group, evaluating cheap but fast-fluctuating forces more frequently than expensive but slow-fluctuating forces. Since forces are only evaluated in the V step, we represent this by including in our "alphabet" V0, V1, ...) When the system contains holonomic constraints, these steps are confined to the constraint manifold. Parameters ---------- alchemical_functions : dict of strings key: value pairs such as "global_parameter" : function_of_lambda where function_of_lambda is a Lepton-compatible string that depends on the variable "lambda" splitting : string, default: "H V R O V R H" Sequence of R, V, O (and optionally V{i}), and { }substeps to be executed each timestep. There is also an H option, which increments the global parameter `lambda` by 1/nsteps_neq for each step. Forces are only used in V-step. Handle multiple force groups by appending the force group index to V-steps, e.g. "V0" will only use forces from force group 0. "V" will perform a step using all forces.( will cause metropolization, and must be followed later by a ). temperature : numpy.unit.Quantity compatible with kelvin, default: 298.0*simtk.unit.kelvin Fictitious "bath" temperature collision_rate : numpy.unit.Quantity compatible with 1/picoseconds, default: 91.0/simtk.unit.picoseconds Collision rate timestep : numpy.unit.Quantity compatible with femtoseconds, default: 1.0*simtk.unit.femtoseconds Integration timestep constraint_tolerance : float, default: 1.0e-8 Tolerance for constraint solver measure_shadow_work : boolean, default: False Accumulate the shadow work performed by the symplectic substeps, in the global `shadow_work` measure_heat : boolean, default: True Accumulate the heat exchanged with the bath in each step, in the global `heat` nsteps_neq : int, default: 100 Number of steps in nonequilibrium protocol. Default 100 prop_lambda : float (Default = 0.3) Defines the region in which to add extra propagation steps during the NCMC simulation from the midpoint 0.5. i.e. A value of 0.3 will add extra steps from lambda 0.2 to 0.8. nprop : int (Default: 1) Controls the number of propagation steps to add in the lambda region defined by `prop_lambda`. Attributes ---------- _kinetic_energy : str This is 0.5*m*v*v by default, and is the expression used for the kinetic energy Examples -------- - g-BAOAB: splitting="R V O H O V R" - VVVR splitting="O V R H R V O" - VV splitting="V R H R V" - An NCMC algorithm with Metropolized integrator: splitting="O { V R H R V } O" References ---------- [Nilmeier, et al. 2011] Nonequilibrium candidate Monte Carlo is an efficient tool for equilibrium simulation [Leimkuhler and Matthews, 2015] Molecular dynamics: with deterministic and stochastic numerical methods, Chapter 7 """ def __init__(self, alchemical_functions, splitting="R V O H O V R", temperature=298.0 * simtk.unit.kelvin, collision_rate=1.0 / simtk.unit.picoseconds, timestep=1.0 * simtk.unit.femtoseconds, constraint_tolerance=1e-8, measure_shadow_work=False, measure_heat=True, nsteps_neq=100, nprop=1, prop_lambda=0.3, *args, **kwargs): # call the base class constructor super(AlchemicalExternalLangevinIntegrator, self).__init__( alchemical_functions=alchemical_functions, splitting=splitting, temperature=temperature, collision_rate=collision_rate, timestep=timestep, constraint_tolerance=constraint_tolerance, measure_shadow_work=measure_shadow_work, measure_heat=measure_heat, nsteps_neq=nsteps_neq) self._prop_lambda = self._get_prop_lambda(prop_lambda) # add some global variables relevant to the integrator kB = simtk.unit.BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT_kB * simtk.unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA kT = kB * temperature self.addGlobalVariable("perturbed_pe", 0) self.addGlobalVariable("unperturbed_pe", 0) self.addGlobalVariable("first_step", 0) self.addGlobalVariable("nprop", nprop) self.addGlobalVariable("prop", 1) self.addGlobalVariable("prop_lambda_min", self._prop_lambda[0]) self.addGlobalVariable("prop_lambda_max", self._prop_lambda[1]) # Behavior changed in self._step_dispatch_table['H'] = (self._add_alchemical_perturbation_step, False) #$self._registered_step_types['H'] = ( # self._add_alchemical_perturbation_step, False) self.addGlobalVariable("debug", 0) try: self.getGlobalVariableByName("shadow_work") except: self.addGlobalVariable('shadow_work', 0) def _get_prop_lambda(self, prop_lambda): prop_lambda_max = round(prop_lambda + 0.5, 4) prop_lambda_min = round(0.5 - prop_lambda, 4) prop_range = prop_lambda_max - prop_lambda_min #Set values to outside [0, 1.0] to skip IfBlock if prop_range <= 0.0: prop_lambda_min = 2.0 prop_lambda_max = -1.0 return prop_lambda_min, prop_lambda_max def _add_integrator_steps(self): """ Override the base class to insert reset steps around the integrator. """ # First step: Constrain positions and velocities and reset work accumulators and alchemical integrators self.beginIfBlock('step = 0') self.addComputeGlobal("perturbed_pe", "energy") self.addComputeGlobal("unperturbed_pe", "energy") self.addConstrainPositions() self.addConstrainVelocities() self._add_reset_protocol_work_step() self._add_alchemical_reset_step() self.endBlock() # Main body if self._n_steps_neq == 0: # If nsteps = 0, we need to force execution on the first step only. self.beginIfBlock('step = 0') super(AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator, self)._add_integrator_steps() self.addComputeGlobal("step", "step + 1") self.endBlock() else: #call the superclass function to insert the appropriate steps, provided the step number is less than n_steps self.beginIfBlock("step < nsteps") self.addComputeGlobal("perturbed_pe", "energy") self.beginIfBlock("first_step < 1") #TODO write better test that checks that the initial work isn't gigantic self.addComputeGlobal("first_step", "1") self.addComputeGlobal("unperturbed_pe", "energy") self.endBlock() #initial iteration self.addComputeGlobal("protocol_work", "protocol_work + (perturbed_pe - unperturbed_pe)") super(AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator, self)._add_integrator_steps() #if more propogation steps are requested self.beginIfBlock("lambda > prop_lambda_min") self.beginIfBlock("lambda <= prop_lambda_max") self.beginWhileBlock("prop < nprop") self.addComputeGlobal("prop", "prop + 1") super(AlchemicalNonequilibriumLangevinIntegrator, self)._add_integrator_steps() self.endBlock() self.endBlock() self.endBlock() #ending variables to reset self.addComputeGlobal("unperturbed_pe", "energy") self.addComputeGlobal("step", "step + 1") self.addComputeGlobal("prop", "1") self.endBlock() def _add_alchemical_perturbation_step(self): """ Add alchemical perturbation step, accumulating protocol work. TODO: Extend this to be able to handle force groups? """ # Store initial potential energy self.beginIfBlock("prop = 1") self.addComputeGlobal("debug", "debug + 1") self.addComputeGlobal("Eold", "energy") # Update lambda and increment that tracks updates. self.addComputeGlobal('lambda', '(lambda_step+1)/n_lambda_steps') self.addComputeGlobal('lambda_step', 'lambda_step + 1') # Update all slaved alchemical parameters self._add_update_alchemical_parameters_step() # Accumulate protocol work self.addComputeGlobal("Enew", "energy") self.addComputeGlobal("protocol_work", "protocol_work + (Enew-Eold)") self.endBlock() def getLogAcceptanceProbability(self, context): #TODO remove context from arguments if/once ncmc_switching is changed protocol = self.getGlobalVariableByName("protocol_work") shadow = self.getGlobalVariableByName("shadow_work") logp_accept = -1.0 * (protocol + shadow) * _OPENMM_ENERGY_UNIT / self.kT return logp_accept
[docs] def reset(self): self.setGlobalVariableByName("step", 0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("lambda", 0.0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("protocol_work", 0.0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("shadow_work", 0.0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("first_step", 0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("perturbed_pe", 0.0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("unperturbed_pe", 0.0) self.setGlobalVariableByName("prop", 1) super(AlchemicalExternalLangevinIntegrator, self).reset()