Source code for blues.moves

Provides the main Move class which allows definition of moves
which alter the positions of subsets of atoms in a context during a BLUES
simulation, in order to increase sampling.
Also provides functionality for CombinationMove definitions which consist of
a combination of other pre-defined moves such as via instances of Move.

Authors: Samuel C. Gill

Contributors: Nathan M. Lim, Kalistyn Burley, David L. Mobley

import copy
import math
import random
import sys
import traceback

import mdtraj
import numpy
import parmed
from simtk import unit
import tempfile

    import openeye.oechem as oechem
    if not oechem.OEChemIsLicensed():
        print('ImportError: Need License for OEChem! SideChainMove class will be unavailable.')
        import oeommtools.utils as oeommtools
    except ImportError:
        print('ImportError: Could not import oeommtools. SideChainMove class will be unavailable.')
except ImportError:
    print('ImportError: Could not import openeye-toolkits. SideChainMove class will be unavailable.')

[docs]class Move(object): """This is the base Move class. Move provides methods for calculating properties and applying the move on the set of atoms being perturbed in the NCMC simulation. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Move object Currently empy. """
[docs] def initializeSystem(self, system, integrator): """If the system or integrator needs to be modified to perform the move (ex. adding a force) this method is called during the start of the simulation to change the system or integrator to accomodate that. Parameters ---------- system : openmm.System System to be modified. integrator : openmm.Integrator Integrator to be modified. Returns ------- system : openmm.System The modified System object. integrator : openmm.Integrator The modified Integrator object. """ new_sys = system new_int = integrator return new_sys, new_int
[docs] def beforeMove(self, context): """This method is called at the start of the NCMC portion if the context needs to be checked or modified before performing the move at the halfway point. Parameters ---------- context : openmm.Context Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context : openmm.Context The same input context, but whose context were changed by this function. """ return context
[docs] def afterMove(self, context): """This method is called at the end of the NCMC portion if the context needs to be checked or modified before performing the move at the halfway point. Parameters ---------- context : openmm.Context Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context : openmm.Context The same input context, but whose context were changed by this function. """ return context
def _error(self, context): """This method is called if running during NCMC portion results in an error. This allows portions of the context, such as the context parameters that would not be fixed by just reverting the positions/velocities of the context. Parameters ---------- context : openmm.Context Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context : openmm.Context The same input context, but whose context were changed by this function. """ return context
[docs] def move(self, context): """This method is called at the end of the NCMC portion if the context needs to be checked or modified before performing the move at the halfway point. Parameters ---------- context : openmm.Context Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context : openmm.Context The same input context, but whose context were changed by this function. """ return context
[docs]class RandomLigandRotationMove(Move): """RandomLightRotationMove that provides methods for calculating properties on the object 'model' (i.e ligand) being perturbed in the NCMC simulation. Current methods calculate the object's atomic masses and center of masss. Calculating the object's center of mass will get the positions and total mass. Parameters ---------- resname : str String specifying the residue name of the ligand. structure: parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object of the relevant system to be moved. random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional The generator used for random numbers. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Attributes ---------- structure : parmed.Structure The structure of the ligand or selected atoms to be rotated. resname : str, default='LIG' The residue name of the ligand or selected atoms to be rotated. topology : openmm.Topology The topology of the ligand or selected atoms to be rotated. atom_indices : list Atom indicies of the ligand. masses : list Particle masses of the ligand with units. totalmass : int Total mass of the ligand. center_of_mass : numpy.array Calculated center of mass of the ligand in XYZ coordinates. This should be updated every iteration. positions : numpy.array Ligands positions in XYZ coordinates. This should be updated every iteration. Examples -------- >>> from blues.move import RandomLigandRotationMove >>> ligand = RandomLigandRotationMove(structure, 'LIG') >>> ligand.resname 'LIG' """ def __init__(self, structure, resname='LIG', random_state=None): self.structure = structure self.resname = resname self.random_state = random_state self.atom_indices = self.getAtomIndices(structure, self.resname) self.topology = structure[self.atom_indices].topology self.totalmass = 0 self.masses = [] self.center_of_mass = None self.positions = structure[self.atom_indices].positions self._calculateProperties()
[docs] def getAtomIndices(self, structure, resname): """ Get atom indices of a ligand from ParmEd Structure. Parameters ---------- resname : str String specifying the residue name of the ligand. structure: parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object of the atoms to be moved. Returns ------- atom_indices : list of ints list of atoms in the coordinate file matching lig_resname """ # TODO: Add option for resnum to better select residue names atom_indices = [] topology = structure.topology for atom in topology.atoms(): if str(resname) in atom_indices.append(atom.index) return atom_indices
[docs] def getMasses(self, topology): """ Returns a list of masses of the specified ligand atoms. Parameters ---------- topology: parmed.Topology ParmEd topology object containing atoms of the system. Returns ------- masses: 1xn numpy.array * simtk.unit.dalton array of masses of len(self.atom_indices), denoting the masses of the atoms in self.atom_indices totalmass: float * simtk.unit.dalton The sum of the mass found in masses """ masses = unit.Quantity(numpy.zeros([int(topology.getNumAtoms()), 1], numpy.float32), unit.dalton) for idx, atom in enumerate(topology.atoms()): masses[idx] = atom.element._mass totalmass = masses.sum() return masses, totalmass
[docs] def getCenterOfMass(self, positions, masses): """Returns the calculated center of mass of the ligand as a numpy.array Parameters ---------- positions: nx3 numpy array * simtk.unit compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers ParmEd positions of the atoms to be moved. masses : numpy.array numpy.array of particle masses Returns ------- center_of_mass: numpy array * simtk.unit compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers 1x3 numpy.array of the center of mass of the given positions """ coordinates = numpy.asarray(positions._value, numpy.float32) center_of_mass = parmed.geometry.center_of_mass(coordinates, masses) * positions.unit return center_of_mass
def _calculateProperties(self): """Calculate the masses and center of mass for the object. This function is called upon initailization of the class.""" self.masses, self.totalmass = self.getMasses(self.topology) self.center_of_mass = self.getCenterOfMass(self.positions, self.masses)
[docs] def move(self, context): """Function that performs a random rotation about the center of mass of the ligand. Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object The same input context, but whose positions were changed by this function. """ positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) self.positions = positions[self.atom_indices] self.center_of_mass = self.getCenterOfMass(self.positions, self.masses) reduced_pos = self.positions - self.center_of_mass # Define random rotational move on the ligand rand_quat = mdtraj.utils.uniform_quaternion(size=None, random_state=self.random_state) rand_rotation_matrix = mdtraj.utils.rotation_matrix_from_quaternion(rand_quat) #multiply lig coordinates by rot matrix and add back COM translation from origin rot_move =, rand_rotation_matrix) * positions.unit + self.center_of_mass # Update ligand positions in nc_sim for index, atomidx in enumerate(self.atom_indices): positions[atomidx] = rot_move[index] context.setPositions(positions) positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) self.positions = positions[self.atom_indices] return context
[docs]class MoveEngine(object): """MoveEngine provides perturbation functions for the context during the NCMC simulation. Parameters ---------- moves : blues.move object or list of N blues.move objects Specifies the possible moves to be performed. probabilities: list of floats, optional, default=None A list of N probabilities, where probabilities[i] corresponds to the probaility of moves[i] being selected to perform its associated move() method. If None, uniform probabilities are assigned. Attributes ---------- moves : blues.move or list of N blues.move objects Possible moves to be performed. probabilities : list of floats Normalized probabilities for each move. selected_move : blues.move Selected move to be performed. move_name : str Name of the selected move to be performed Examples -------- Load a parmed.Structure, list of moves with probabilities, initialize the MoveEngine class, and select a move from our list. >>> import parmed >>> from blues.moves import * >>> structure = parmed.load_file('tests/data/eqToluene.prmtop', xyz='tests/data/eqToluene.inpcrd') >>> probabilities = [0.25, 0.75] >>> moves = [SideChainMove(structure, [111]),RandomLigandRotationMove(structure, 'LIG')] >>> mover = MoveEngine(moves, probabilities) >>> mover.moves [<blues.moves.SideChainMove at 0x7f2eaa168470>, <blues.moves.RandomLigandRotationMove at 0x7f2eaaaa51d0>] >>> mover.selectMove() >>> mover.selected_move <blues.moves.RandomLigandRotationMove at 0x7f2eaaaa51d0> """ def __init__(self, moves, probabilities=None): #make a list from moves if not a list if isinstance(moves, list): self.moves = moves else: self.moves = [moves] #normalize probabilities if probabilities is None: single_prob = 1. / len(self.moves) self.probabilities = [single_prob for x in (self.moves)] else: prob_sum = float(sum(probabilities)) self.probabilities = [x / prob_sum for x in probabilities] #if move and probabilitiy lists are different lengths throw error if len(self.moves) != len(self.probabilities): print('moves and probability list lengths need to match') raise IndexError #use index in selecting move self.selected_move = None
[docs] def selectMove(self): """Chooses the move which will be selected for a given NCMC iteration """ rand_num = numpy.random.choice(len(self.probabilities), p=self.probabilities) self.selected_move = self.moves[rand_num] self.move_name = self.selected_move.__class__.__name__
[docs] def runEngine(self, context): """Selects a random Move object based on its assigned probability and and performs its move() function on a context. Parameters ---------- context : openmm.Context OpenMM context whose positions should be moved. Returns ------- context : openmm.Context OpenMM context whose positions have been moved. """ try: new_context = self.selected_move.move(context) except Exception as e: #In case the move isn't properly implemented, print out useful info print('Error: move not implemented correctly, printing traceback:') ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_tb(tb) print(e) raise SystemExit return new_context
######################## ## UNDER DEVELOPMENT ### ########################
[docs]class SideChainMove(Move): """**NOTE:** Usage of this class requires a valid OpenEye license. SideChainMove provides methods for calculating properties needed to rotate a sidechain residue given a parmed.Structure. Calculated properties include: backbone atom indicies, atom pointers and indicies of the residue sidechain, bond pointers and indices for rotatable heavy bonds in the sidechain, and atom indices upstream of selected bond. The class contains functions to randomly select a bond and angle to be rotated and applies a rotation matrix to the target atoms to update their coordinates on the object 'model' (i.e sidechain) being perturbed in the NCMC simulation. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure The structure of the entire system to be simulated. residue_list : list of int List of the residue numbers of the sidechains to be rotated. verbose : bool, default=False Enable verbosity to print out detailed information of the rotation. write_move : bool, default=False If True, writes a PDB of the system after rotation. Attributes ---------- structure : parmed.Structure The structure of the entire system to be simulated. molecule : oechem.OEMolecule The OEMolecule containing the sidechain(s) to be rotated. residue_list : list of int List containing the residue numbers of the sidechains to be rotated. all_atoms : list of int List containing the atom indicies of the sidechains to be rotated. rot_atoms : dict Dictionary of residues, bonds and atoms to be rotated rot_bonds : dict of oechem.OEBondBase Dictionary containing the bond pointers of the rotatable bonds. qry_atoms : dict of oechem.OEAtomBase Dictionary containing all the atom pointers (as OpenEye objects) that make up the given residues. Examples -------- >>> from blues.move import SideChainMove >>> sidechain = SideChainMove(structure, [1]) """ def __init__(self, structure, residue_list, verbose=False, write_move=False): self.structure = structure self.molecule = self._pmdStructureToOEMol() self.residue_list = residue_list self.all_atoms = [atom.index for atom in self.structure.topology.atoms()] self.rot_atoms, self.rot_bonds, self.qry_atoms = self.getRotBondAtoms() self.atom_indices = self.rot_atoms self.verbose = verbose self.write_move = write_move def _pmdStructureToOEMol(self): """Helper function for converting the parmed structure into an OEMolecule.""" top = self.structure.topology pos = self.structure.positions molecule = oeommtools.openmmTop_to_oemol(top, pos, verbose=False) oechem.OEPerceiveResidues(molecule) oechem.OEFindRingAtomsAndBonds(molecule) return molecule
[docs] def getBackboneAtoms(self, molecule): """Takes an OpenEye Molecule, finds the backbone atoms and returns the indicies of the backbone atoms. Parameters ---------- molecule : oechem.OEMolecule The OEmolecule of the simulated system. Returns ------- backbone_atoms : list of int List containing the atom indices of the backbone atoms. """ backbone_atoms = [] pred = oechem.OEIsBackboneAtom() for atom in molecule.GetAtoms(pred): bb_atom_idx = atom.GetIdx() backbone_atoms.append(bb_atom_idx) return backbone_atoms
[docs] def getTargetAtoms(self, molecule, backbone_atoms, residue_list): """Takes an OpenEye molecule and a list of residue numbers then generates a dictionary containing all the atom pointers and indicies for the non-backbone, atoms of those target residues, as well as a list of backbone atoms. Note: The atom indicies start at 0 and are thus -1 from the PDB file indicies Parameters ---------- molecule : oechem.OEMolecule The OEmolecule of the simulated system. backbone_atoms : list of int List containing the atom indices of the backbone atoms. residue_list : list of int List containing the residue numbers of the sidechains to be rotated. Returns ------- backbone_atoms : list of int List containing the atom indices of the backbone atoms to be rotated. qry_atoms : dict of oechem.OEAtomBase Dictionary containing all the atom pointers (as OpenEye objects) that make up the given residues. """ # create and clear dictionary to store atoms that make up residue list qry_atoms = {} qry_atoms.clear() reslib = [] #print('Searching residue list for atoms...') # loop through all the atoms in the PDB OEGraphMol structure for atom in molecule.GetAtoms(): # check if the atom is in backbone if atom.GetIdx() not in backbone_atoms: # if heavy, find what residue it is associated with myres = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) # check if the residue number is amongst the list of residues if myres.GetResidueNumber() in residue_list and myres.GetName() != "HOH": # store the atom location in a query atom dict keyed by its atom index qry_atoms.update({atom: atom.GetIdx()}) #print('Found atom %s in residue number %i %s'%(atom,myres.GetResidueNumber(),myres.GetName())) if myres not in reslib: reslib.append(myres) return qry_atoms, backbone_atoms
[docs] def findHeavyRotBonds(self, pdb_OEMol, qry_atoms): """Takes in an OpenEye molecule as well as a dictionary of atom locations (keys) and atom indicies. It loops over the query atoms and identifies any heavy bonds associated with each atom. It stores and returns the bond indicies (keys) and the two atom indicies for each bond in a dictionary Note: atom indicies start at 0, so are offset by 1 compared to pdb) Parameters ---------- pdb_OEMol : oechem.OEMolecule The OEmolecule of the simulated system generated from a PDB file. qry_atoms : dict of oechem.OEAtomBase Dictionary containing all the atom pointers (as OpenEye objects) that make up the given residues. Returns ------- rot_bonds : dict of oechem.OEBondBase Dictionary containing the bond pointers of the rotatable bonds. """ # create and clear dictionary to store bond and atom indicies that are rotatable + heavy rot_bonds = {} rot_bonds.clear() for atom in qry_atoms.keys(): myres = oechem.OEAtomGetResidue(atom) for bond in atom.GetBonds(): # retrieve the begnning and ending atoms begatom = bond.GetBgn() endatom = bond.GetEnd() # if begnnning and ending atoms are not Hydrogen, and the bond is rotatable if endatom.GetAtomicNum() > 1 and begatom.GetAtomicNum() > 1 and bond.IsRotor(): # if the bond has not been added to dictionary already.. # (as would happen if one of the atom pairs was previously looped over) if bond not in rot_bonds: #print('Bond number',bond, 'is rotatable, non-terminal, and contains only heavy atoms') # store bond pointer (key) and atom indicies in dictionary if not already there #rot_bonds.update({bond : {'AtomIdx_1' : bond.GetBgnIdx(), 'AtomIdx_2': bond.GetEndIdx()}}) rot_bonds.update({bond: myres.GetResidueNumber()}) return rot_bonds
[docs] def getRotAtoms(self, rotbonds, molecule, backbone_atoms): """Function identifies and stores neighboring, upstream atoms for a given sidechain bond. Parameters ---------- rot_bonds : dict of oechem.OEBondBase Dictionary containing the bond pointers of the rotatable bonds. molecule : oechem.OEMolecule The OEmolecule of the simulated system. backbone_atoms : list of int List containing the atom indices of the backbone atoms. Returns ------- rot_atom_dict : dict of oechem.OEAtomBase Dictionary containing the atom pointers for a given sidechain bond. """ backbone = backbone_atoms query_list = [] idx_list = [] rot_atom_dict = {} rot_atom_dict.clear() for bond in rotbonds.keys(): idx_list.clear() query_list.clear() resnum = (rotbonds[bond]) thisbond = bond ax1 = bond.GetBgn() ax2 = bond.GetEnd() if resnum in rot_atom_dict.keys(): rot_atom_dict[resnum].update({thisbond: []}) else: rot_atom_dict.update({resnum: {thisbond: []}}) idx_list.append(ax1.GetIdx()) idx_list.append(ax2.GetIdx()) if ax1 not in query_list and ax1.GetIdx() not in backbone_atoms: query_list.append(ax1) if ax2 not in query_list and ax2.GetIdx() not in backbone_atoms: query_list.append(ax2) for atom in query_list: checklist = atom.GetAtoms() for candidate in checklist: if candidate not in query_list and candidate.GetIdx() not in backbone and candidate != ax2: query_list.append(candidate) if candidate.GetAtomicNum() > 1: can_nbors = candidate.GetAtoms() for can_nbor in can_nbors: if can_nbor not in query_list and candidate.GetIdx( ) not in backbone and candidate != ax2: query_list.append(can_nbor) for atm in query_list: y = atm.GetIdx() if y not in idx_list: idx_list.append(y) rot_atom_dict[resnum].update({thisbond: list(idx_list)}) #print("Moving these atoms:", idx_list) return rot_atom_dict
[docs] def getRotBondAtoms(self): """This function is called on class initialization. Takes in a PDB filename (as a string) and list of residue numbers. Returns a nested dictionary of rotatable bonds (containing only heavy atoms), that are keyed by residue number, then keyed by bond pointer, containing values of atom indicies [axis1, axis2, atoms to be rotated] Note: The atom indicies start at 0, and are offset by -1 from the PDB file indicies Returns ------- rot_atoms : dict Dictionary of residues, bonds and atoms to be rotated rot_bonds : dict of oechem.OEBondBase Dictionary containing the bond pointers of the rotatable bonds. qry_atoms : dict of oechem.OEAtomBase Dictionary containing all the atom pointers (as OpenEye objects) that make up the given residues. """ backbone_atoms = self.getBackboneAtoms(self.molecule) # Generate dictionary containing locations and indicies of heavy residue atoms #print('Dictionary of all query atoms generated from residue list\n') qry_atoms, backbone_atoms = self.getTargetAtoms(self.molecule, backbone_atoms, self.residue_list) # Identify bonds containing query atoms and return dictionary of indicies rot_bonds = self.findHeavyRotBonds(self.molecule, qry_atoms) # Generate dictionary of residues, bonds and atoms to be rotated rot_atoms = self.getRotAtoms(rot_bonds, self.molecule, backbone_atoms) return rot_atoms, rot_bonds, qry_atoms
[docs] def chooseBondandTheta(self): """This function is called on class initialization. Takes a dictionary containing nested dictionary, keyed by res#, then keyed by bond_ptrs, containing a list of atoms to move, randomly selects a bond, and generates a random angle (radians). It returns the atoms associated with the the selected bond, the pointer for the selected bond and the randomly generated angle Returns ------- theta_ran : targetatoms : res_choice : bond_choice : """ res_choice = random.choice(list(self.rot_atoms.keys())) bond_choice = random.choice(list(self.rot_atoms[res_choice].keys())) targetatoms = self.rot_atoms[res_choice][bond_choice] theta_ran = random.random() * 2 * math.pi return theta_ran, targetatoms, res_choice, bond_choice
[docs] def rotation_matrix(self, axis, theta): """Function returns the rotation matrix associated with counterclockwise rotation about the given axis by theta radians. Parameters ---------- axis : theta : float The angle of rotation in radians. """ axis = numpy.asarray(axis) axis = axis / math.sqrt(, axis)) a = math.cos(theta / 2.0) b, c, d = -axis * math.sin(theta / 2.0) aa, bb, cc, dd = a * a, b * b, c * c, d * d bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b * c, a * d, a * c, a * b, b * d, c * d return numpy.array([[aa + bb - cc - dd, 2 * (bc + ad), 2 * (bd - ac)], [2 * (bc - ad), aa + cc - bb - dd, 2 * (cd + ab)], [2 * (bd + ac), 2 * (cd - ab), aa + dd - bb - cc]])
[docs] def move(self, context, verbose=False): """Rotates the target atoms around a selected bond by angle theta and updates the atom coordinates in the parmed structure as well as the ncmc context object Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object Context containing the positions to be moved. verbose : bool, default=False Enable verbosity to print out detailed information of the rotation. Returns ------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object The same input context, but whose positions were changed by this function. """ # determine the axis, theta, residue, and bond + atoms to be rotated theta, target_atoms, res, bond = self.chooseBondandTheta() print('Rotating bond: %s in resnum: %s by %.2f radians' % (bond, res, theta)) #retrieve the current positions initial_positions = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) nc_positions = copy.deepcopy(initial_positions) model = copy.copy(self.structure) # set the parmed model to the same coordinates as the context for idx, atom in enumerate(self.all_atoms): if self.verbose: print('Before:') print(atom, idx) print(nc_positions[atom], model.positions[atom]) model.atoms[atom].xx = nc_positions[atom][0].value_in_unit(unit.angstroms) model.atoms[atom].xy = nc_positions[atom][1].value_in_unit(unit.angstroms) model.atoms[atom].xz = nc_positions[atom][2].value_in_unit(unit.angstroms) if self.verbose: print('After:') print(nc_positions[atom], model.positions[atom]) positions = model.positions # find the rotation axis using the updated positions axis1 = target_atoms[0] axis2 = target_atoms[1] rot_axis = (positions[axis1] - positions[axis2]) / positions.unit #calculate the rotation matrix rot_matrix = self.rotation_matrix(rot_axis, theta) # apply the rotation matrix to the target atoms for idx, atom in enumerate(target_atoms): my_position = positions[atom] if self.verbose: print('The current position for %i is: %s' % (atom, my_position)) # find the reduced position (substract out axis) red_position = (my_position - model.positions[axis2])._value # find the new positions by multiplying by rot matrix new_position =, red_position) * positions.unit + positions[axis2] if self.verbose: print("The new position should be:", new_position) positions[atom] = new_position # Update the parmed model with the new positions model.atoms[atom].xx = new_position[0] / positions.unit model.atoms[atom].xy = new_position[1] / positions.unit model.atoms[atom].xz = new_position[2] / positions.unit #update the copied ncmc context array with the new positions nc_positions[atom][0] = model.atoms[atom].xx * nc_positions.unit / 10 nc_positions[atom][1] = model.atoms[atom].xy * nc_positions.unit / 10 nc_positions[atom][2] = model.atoms[atom].xz * nc_positions.unit / 10 if self.verbose: print('The updated position for this atom is:', model.positions[atom]) # update the actual ncmc context object with the new positions context.setPositions(nc_positions) # update the class structure positions self.structure.positions = model.positions if self.write_move: filename = 'sc_move_%s_%s_%s.pdb' % (res, axis1, axis2) mod_prot =, overwrite=True) return context
class WaterTranslationMove(Move): """ Move that translates a random water within a specified radius of the protein's center of mass to another point within that radius Parameters ---------- structure: topology: parmed.Topology ParmEd topology object containing atoms of the system. water_name: str, optional, default='WAT' Residue name of the waters in the system. protein_selection: str, option, default='protein' Expression in the MDTraj atom selection DSL to specify the desired protein atoms. The center of mass of this is used to translate the water molecules. radius: float*unit compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers, optional, default=2.0*unit.nanometers Defines the radius within the protein center of mass to choose a water and the radius in which to randomly translate that water. """ def __init__(self, structure, water_name=['WAT','HOH'], protein_selection='protein', radius=2.3*unit.nanometers): #initialize self attributes self.radius = radius # self.water_name = water_name self.water_residues = [] #contains indices of the atoms of the waters self.before_ncmc_check = True self.structure = structure #we want to get a mdtraj trajectory representation of the structure #so save structure to a temp file to be read with mdtraj with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pdb', mode='r+') as t: fname =,format='pdb') t.flush() self.traj = mdtraj.load(fname) #go through the topology and identify water and protein residues residues = structure.topology.residues() #looks for residues with water_name in them for res in residues: if in self.water_name: #checks if the name of the residue is 'WAT' or 'HOH' water_mol = [] #list of each waters atom indices for atom in res.atoms(): water_mol.append(atom.index) #append the index of each of the atoms of the water residue self.water_residues.append(water_mol)#append the water atom indices as a self attribute (above) self.atom_indices = self.water_residues[0] #the atom indices of the first water, this is the alchemical water #get the protein atoms of the selection and the masses self.protein_atoms = self.protein_masses = self._getMasses(self.structure.topology)[self.protein_atoms] #go keeps track if water is inside specified radius self.go = True def _random_sphere_point(self, radius, origin): """function to generate a uniform random point in a sphere of a specified radius. Used to randomly translate the water molecule Parameters ---------- radius: float Defines the radius of the sphere in which a point will be uniformly randomly generated. """ #print("Radius of _random_sphere_point", radius) r = radius * ( numpy.random.random()**(1./3.) ) #r (radius) = specified radius * cubed root of a random number between 0.00 and 0.99999 phi = numpy.random.uniform(0,2*numpy.pi) #restriction of phi (or azimuth angle) is set from 0 to 2pi. random.uniform allows the values to be chosen w/ an equal probability costheta = numpy.random.uniform(-1,1) #restriction set from -1 to 1 theta = numpy.arccos(costheta) #calculate theta, the angle between r and Z axis x = numpy.sin(theta) * numpy.cos(phi) #x,y,and z are cartesian coordinates y = numpy.sin(theta) * numpy.sin(phi) z = numpy.cos(theta) sphere_point = numpy.array([x, y, z]) * r + origin return sphere_point #sphere_point = a random point with an even distribution def _getMasses(self, topology): """Returns a list of masses of the specified ligand atoms. Parameters ---------- topology: parmed.Topology ParmEd topology object containing atoms of the system. """ masses = unit.Quantity(numpy.zeros([int(topology.getNumAtoms()),1],numpy.float32), unit.dalton) for idx,atom in enumerate(topology.atoms()): masses[idx] = atom.element._mass #gets the mass of the atom, adds to list (along with index) return masses def _getCenterOfMass(self, positions, masses): """Returns the calculated center of mass of the ligand as a np.array Parameters ---------- positions: nx3 np.array Positions of the atoms to be moved. masses : nx1 numpy.array numpy.array of particle masses """ try: #try with units, if not do without units in except clause coordinates = numpy.asarray(positions._value, numpy.float32) #gives the value of atomic positions as an array center_of_mass = parmed.geometry.center_of_mass(coordinates, masses) * positions.unit except: coordinates = numpy.asarray(positions, numpy.float32) #gives the value of atomic positions as an array center_of_mass = parmed.geometry.center_of_mass(coordinates, masses) return center_of_mass def beforeMove(self, context): """ Temporary fterHop/unction (until multiple alchemical regions are supported), which is performed at the beginning of a ncmc iteration. Selects a random water within self.radius of the protein's center of mass and switches the positions and velocities with the alchemical water defined by self.atom_indices, effecitvely duplicating mulitple alchemical region support. Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm Context object The context which corresponds to the NCMC simulation. """ start_state = context.getState(getPositions=True, getVelocities=True) start_pos = start_state.getPositions(asNumpy=True) #gets starting positions start_vel = start_state.getVelocities(asNumpy=True) #gets starting velocities switch_pos = numpy.copy(start_pos)*start_pos.unit #starting position (a shallow copy) is * by start_pos.unit to retain units switch_vel = numpy.copy(start_vel)*start_vel.unit #starting vel (a shallow copy) is * by start_pos.unit to retain units #look for a random water inside the radius is_inside_sphere = False #use random.shuffle to pick random particles (limits upper bound) water_residues_shuffle = copy.deepcopy(self.water_residues) numpy.random.shuffle(water_residues_shuffle) #we want to use mdtraj distance function, but needs to act on trajectory object #get around this by selecting the first protein atom to act as a dummy atom for the com[0,:,:] = start_pos #get the current center of mass of the protein selection current_com = self._getCenterOfMass([0,:,:][self.protein_atoms], self.protein_masses) #set the dummy com atom position[0,self.protein_atoms[0],:] = current_com self.traj.unitcell_vectors[0] = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPeriodicBoxVectors(asNumpy=True) #find a water within radius range of the center of mass while ((not is_inside_sphere) or len(water_residues_shuffle)==0): if len(water_residues_shuffle)==0: break #pop out the first water in the list and see if it's within the sphere radius water_choice = water_residues_shuffle.pop(0) pairs = self.traj.topology.select_pairs(numpy.array(water_choice[0]).flatten(), numpy.array(self.protein_atoms[0]).flatten()) water_distance = mdtraj.compute_distances(self.traj, pairs, periodic=True) water_dist = numpy.linalg.norm(water_distance) if water_dist <= (self.radius.value_in_unit(unit.nanometers)): is_inside_sphere = True #replace chosen water's positions/velocities with alchemical water if is_inside_sphere: switch_pos[self.atom_indices] = start_pos[water_choice] switch_vel[self.atom_indices] = start_vel[water_choice] switch_pos[water_choice] = start_pos[self.atom_indices] switch_vel[water_choice] = start_vel[self.atom_indices] context.setPositions(switch_pos) context.setVelocities(switch_vel) #keep track if switch occurs or not self.go = True else: self.go = False return context def move(self, context): """ This function is called by the blues.MoveEngine object during a simulation. Translates the alchemical water randomly within a sphere of self.radius. """ #If there was no water selected in beforeMove skip the move if self.go == False: return context #get the position of the system from the context before_move_pos = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) movePos = numpy.copy(before_move_pos)*before_move_pos.unit #makes a copy of the position of the system from the context movePos_end = numpy.copy(before_move_pos)*before_move_pos.unit #use this to get around switching dummy atom #get the current center of mass of the protein selection current_com = self._getCenterOfMass([0,:,:][self.protein_atoms], self.protein_masses) #set the current center of mass as a dummy atom in self.traj[0,:,:] = movePos[0][self.protein_atoms[0]] = current_com self.traj.unitcell_vectors[0] = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPeriodicBoxVectors(asNumpy=True) origin =[0][self.protein_atoms[0]]*movePos.unit #Generate uniform random point in a sphere of a specified radius sphere_displacement = self._random_sphere_point(self.radius, origin) pairs = self.traj.topology.select_pairs(numpy.array(self.atom_indices[0]).flatten(), numpy.array(self.protein_atoms[0]).flatten()) water_distance = mdtraj.compute_distances(self.traj, pairs, periodic=True) #if the water molecule ends up outside the defined region we can't perform the move if water_distance >= (self.radius.value_in_unit(unit.nanometers)): #return the starting context return context #move the water molecule displacement_vector = movePos_end[self.atom_indices[0]] - sphere_displacement movePos_end[self.atom_indices] = movePos_end[self.atom_indices] - displacement_vector if 1: #debug statement[0][self.atom_indices] = movePos_end[self.atom_indices] pairs = self.traj.topology.select_pairs(numpy.array(self.atom_indices[0]).flatten(), numpy.array(self.protein_atoms[0]).flatten()) water_distance = mdtraj.compute_distances(self.traj, pairs, periodic=True) #set the new positions context.setPositions(movePos_end) return context def afterMove(self, context): """This method is called at the end of the NCMC portion. This checks if the water has ended up outside the defined translational region. If so, it rejects the move (by manually setting protocol work to a high value). Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object The same inumpyut context, but whose context were changed by this function. """ before_final_move_pos = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPositions(asNumpy=True) #Update positions for distance calculation movePos_a = numpy.copy(before_final_move_pos)*before_final_move_pos.unit[0,:,:] = movePos_a; #find the center of mass of the specified protein residues current_com = self._getCenterOfMass([0,:,:][self.protein_atoms], self.protein_masses)[0,self.protein_atoms[0],:] = current_com self.traj.unitcell_vectors[0] = context.getState(getPositions=True).getPeriodicBoxVectors(asNumpy=True) #find the distance between the chosen water and the protein com pairs = self.traj.topology.select_pairs(numpy.array(self.atom_indices[0]).flatten(), numpy.array(self.protein_atoms[0]).flatten()) water_distance = mdtraj.compute_distances(self.traj, pairs, periodic=True) #We reject if the water molecule ends up outside our defined radius value if water_distance > numpy.linalg.norm(self.radius._value) and self.go == True: #we can update this if we implement acceptance_ratios into the acceptance to be handle this more 'correctly' #essentially this will result in rejected though context._integrator.setGlobalVariableByName("protocol_work", 999999) return context
[docs]class SmartDartMove(RandomLigandRotationMove): """**WARNING:** This class has not been completely tested. Use at your own risk. Move object that allows center of mass smart darting moves to be performed on a ligand, allowing translations of a ligand between pre-defined regions in space. The `SmartDartMove.move()` method translates the ligand to the locations of the ligand found in the coord_files. These locations are defined in terms of the basis_particles. These locations are picked with a uniform probability. Based on Smart Darting Monte Carlo [smart-dart]_ Parameters ---------- structure: parmed.Structure ParmEd Structure object of the relevant system to be moved. basis_particles: list of 3 ints Specifies the 3 indices of the protein whose coordinates will be used to define a new set of basis vectors. coord_files: list of str List containing paths to coordinate files of the whole system for smart darting. topology: str, optional, default=None A path specifying a topology file matching the files in coord_files. Not necessary if the coord_files already contain topologies (ex. PDBs). dart_radius: simtk.unit float object compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers unit, optional, default=0.2*simtk.unit.nanometers The radius of the darting region around each dart. self_dart: boolean, optional, default='False' When performing the center of mass darting in `SmartDartMove.move()`,this specifies whether or not to include the darting region where the center of mass currently resides as an option to dart to. resname : str, optional, default='LIG' String specifying the residue name of the ligand. References ---------- .. [smart-dart] I. Andricioaei, J. E. Straub, and A. F. Voter, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 6994 (2001). """ def __init__(self, structure, basis_particles, coord_files, topology=None, dart_radius=0.2 * unit.nanometers, self_dart=False, resname='LIG'): super(SmartDartMove, self).__init__(structure, resname=resname) if len(coord_files) < 2: raise ValueError('You should include at least two files in coord_files ' + 'in order to benefit from smart darting') self.dartboard = [] self.n_dartboard = [] self.particle_pairs = [] self.particle_weights = [] self.basis_particles = basis_particles self.dart_radius = dart_radius self.calculateProperties() self.self_dart = self_dart self.dartsFromParmEd(coord_files, topology)
[docs] def dartsFromParmEd(self, coord_files, topology=None): """ Used to setup darts from a generic coordinate file, through MDtraj using the basis_particles to define new basis vectors, which allows dart centers to remain consistant through a simulation. This adds to the self.n_dartboard, which defines the centers used for smart darting. Parameters ---------- coord_files: list of str List containing coordinate files of the whole system for smart darting. topology: str, optional, default=None A path specifying a topology file matching the files in coord_files. Not necessary if the coord_files already contain topologies. """ n_dartboard = [] dartboard = [] #loop over specified files and generate parmed structures from each #then the center of masses of the ligand in each structureare found #finally those center of masses are added to the `self.dartboard`s to #be used in the actual smart darting move to define darting regions for coord_file in coord_files: if topology == None: #if coord_file contains topology info, just load coord file temp_md = parmed.load_file(coord_file) else: #otherwise load file specified in topology temp_md = parmed.load_file(topology, xyz=coord_file) #get position values in terms of nanometers context_pos = temp_md.positions.in_units_of(unit.nanometers) lig_pos = numpy.asarray(context_pos._value)[self.atom_indices] * unit.nanometers particle_pos = numpy.asarray(context_pos._value)[self.basis_particles] * unit.nanometers #calculate center of mass of ligand self.calculateProperties() center_of_mass = self.getCenterOfMass(lig_pos, self.masses) #get particle positions new_coord = self._findNewCoord(particle_pos[0], particle_pos[1], particle_pos[2], center_of_mass) #old_coord should be equal to com old_coord = self._findOldCoord(particle_pos[0], particle_pos[1], particle_pos[2], new_coord) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(old_coord._value, center_of_mass._value, decimal=1) #add the center of mass in euclidian and new basis set (defined by the basis_particles) n_dartboard.append(new_coord) dartboard.append(old_coord) self.n_dartboard = n_dartboard self.dartboard = dartboard
[docs] def move(self, context): """ Function for performing smart darting move with darts that depend on particle positions in the system. Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object The same input context, but whose positions were changed by this function. """ atom_indices = self.atom_indices if len(self.n_dartboard) == 0: raise ValueError('No darts are specified. Make sure you use ' + 'SmartDartMove.dartsFromParmed() before using the move() function') #get state info from context stateinfo = context.getState(True, True, False, True, True, False) oldDartPos = stateinfo.getPositions(asNumpy=True) #get the ligand positions lig_pos = numpy.asarray(oldDartPos._value)[self.atom_indices] * unit.nanometers #updates the darting regions based on the current position of the basis particles self._findDart(context) #find the ligand's current center of mass position center = self.getCenterOfMass(lig_pos, self.masses) #calculate the distance of the center of mass to the center of each darting region selected_dart, changevec = self._calc_from_center(com=center) #selected_dart is the selected darting region #if the center of mass was within one darting region, move the ligand to another region if selected_dart != None: newDartPos = numpy.copy(oldDartPos) #find the center of mass in the new darting region dart_switch = self._reDart(selected_dart, changevec) #find the vector that will translate the ligand to the new darting region vecMove = dart_switch - center #apply that vector to the ligand to actually translate the coordinates for atom in atom_indices: newDartPos[atom] = newDartPos[atom] + vecMove._value #set the positions after darting context.setPositions(newDartPos) return context
def _calc_from_center(self, com): """ Helper function that finds the distance of the current center of mass to each dart center in self.dartboard Parameters -------- com: 1x3 numpy.array*simtk.unit.nanometers Current center of mass coordinates of the ligand. Returns ------- selected_dart: simtk.unit.nanometers, or None The distance of a dart to a center. Returns None if the distance is greater than the darting region. changevec: 1x3 numpy.array*simtk.unit.nanometers, The vector from the ligand center of mass to the center of a darting region. """ distList = [] diffList = [] indexList = [] #Find the distances of the COM to each dart, appending #the results to distList for dart in self.dartboard: diff = com - dart dist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((diff) * (diff))) * unit.nanometers distList.append(dist) diffList.append(diff) selected_dart = [] #Find the dart(s) less than self.dart_radius for index, entry in enumerate(distList): if entry <= self.dart_radius: selected_dart.append(index) diff = diffList[index] indexList.append(index) #Dart error checking #to ensure reversibility the COM should only be #within self.dart_radius of one dart if len(selected_dart) == 1: return selected_dart[0], diffList[indexList[0]] elif len(selected_dart) == 0: return None, diff elif len(selected_dart) >= 2: #COM should never be within two different darts raise ValueError(' The spheres defining two darting regions have overlapped, ' + 'which results in potential problems with detailed balance. ' + 'We are terminating the simulation. Please check the size and ' + 'identity of your darting regions defined by dart_radius.') #TODO can treat cases using appropriate probablility correction #see def _findDart(self, context): """ Helper function to dynamically update dart positions based on the current positions of the basis particles. Parameters --------- context: Context object from simtk.openmm Context from the ncmc simulation. Returns ------- dart_list list of 1x3 numpy.arrays in units.nm new dart positions calculated from the particle_pairs and particle_weights. """ basis_particles = self.basis_particles #make sure there's an equal number of particle pair lists #and particle weight lists dart_list = [] state_info = context.getState(True, True, False, True, True, False) temp_pos = state_info.getPositions(asNumpy=True) part1 = temp_pos[basis_particles[0]] part2 = temp_pos[basis_particles[1]] part3 = temp_pos[basis_particles[2]] for dart in self.n_dartboard: old_center = self._findOldCoord(part1, part2, part3, dart) dart_list.append(old_center) self.dartboard = dart_list[:] return dart_list def _reDart(self, selected_dart, changevec): """ Helper function to choose a random dart and determine the vector that would translate the COM to that dart center + changevec. This is called reDart in the sense that it helps to switch the ligand to another darting region. Parameters --------- selected_dart : changevec: 1x3 numpy.array * simtk.unit.nanometers The vector difference of the ligand center of mass to the closest dart center (if within the dart region). Returns ------- dart_switch: 1x3 numpy.array * simtk.unit.nanometers """ dartindex = list(range(len(self.dartboard))) if self.self_dart == False: dartindex.pop(selected_dart) dartindex = numpy.random.choice(dartindex) dvector = self.dartboard[dartindex] dart_switch = dvector + changevec return dart_switch def _changeBasis(self, a, b): """ Changes positions of a particle (b) in the regular basis set to another basis set (a). Used to recalculate the center of mass in terms of the local coordinates defined by self.basis_particles. Used to change between the basis sets defined from the basis_particles and the normal euclidian basis set. Parameters ---------- a: 3x3 numpy.array Defines vectors that will create the new basis. b: 1x3 numpy.array Defines position of particle to be transformed into new basis set. Returns ------- changed_coord: 1x3 numpy.array Coordinates of b in new basis. """ ainv = numpy.linalg.inv(a.T) changed_coord =, b.T) * unit.nanometers return changed_coord def _undoBasis(self, a, b): """ Transforms positions in a transformed basis (b) to the regular basis set. Used to transform the dart positions in the local coordinate basis set to the cartesian basis set. Parameters ---------- a: 3x3 numpy.array Defines vectors that defined the new basis. b: 1x3 numpy.array Defines position of particle to be transformed into regular basis set. Returns ------- changed_coord: 1x3 numpy.array Coordinates of b in new basis. """ a = a.T changed_coord =, b.T) * unit.nanometers return changed_coord def _normalize(self, vector): """Normalize a given vector Parameters ---------- vector: 1xn numpy.array Vector to be normalized. Returns ------- unit_vec: 1xn numpy.array Normalized vector. """ magnitude = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(vector * vector)) unit_vec = vector / magnitude return unit_vec def _localCoord(self, particle1, particle2, particle3): """ Defines a new coordinate system using 3 particles returning the new basis set vectors Parameters ---------- particle1, particle2, particle3: 1x3 numpy.array numpy.array corresponding to a given particle's positions Returns ------- vec1, vec2, vec3: 1x3 numpy.array Basis vectors of the coordinate system defined by particles1-3. """ part2 = particle2 - particle1 part3 = particle3 - particle1 vec1 = part2 vec2 = part3 vec3 = numpy.cross(vec1, vec2) * unit.nanometers return vec1, vec2, vec3 def _findNewCoord(self, particle1, particle2, particle3, center): """ Finds the coordinates of a given center in the standard basis in terms of a new basis defined by particles1-3 Parameters ---------- particle1, particle2, particle3: 1x3 numpy.array numpy.array corresponding to a given particle's positions center: 1x3 numpy.array * simtk.unit compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers Coordinate of the center of mass in the standard basis set. Returns ------- new_coord : numpy.array Updated coordinates in terms of new basis. """ #calculate new basis set vec1, vec2, vec3 = self._localCoord(particle1, particle2, particle3) basis_set = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * unit.nanometers basis_set[0] = vec1 basis_set[1] = vec2 basis_set[2] = vec3 #since the origin is centered at particle1 by convention #subtract to account for this recenter = center - particle1 #find coordinate in new coordinate system new_coord = self._changeBasis(basis_set, recenter) return new_coord def _findOldCoord(self, particle1, particle2, particle3, center): """ Finds the coordinates of a given center (defined by a different basis given by particles1-3) back in the euclidian coordinates Parameters ---------- particle1, particle2, particle3: 1x3 numpy.array numpy.array corresponding to a given particle's positions center: 1x3 numpy.array * simtk.unit compatible with simtk.unit.nanometers Coordinate of the center of mass in the non-standard basis set. Returns ------- adjusted_center : numpy.array Corrected coordinates of new center in euclidian coordinates. """ vec1, vec2, vec3 = self._localCoord(particle1, particle2, particle3) basis_set = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * unit.nanometers basis_set[0] = vec1 basis_set[1] = vec2 basis_set[2] = vec3 #since the origin is centered at particle1 by convention #subtract to account for this old_coord = self._undoBasis(basis_set, center) adjusted_center = old_coord + particle1 return adjusted_center
[docs]class CombinationMove(Move): """**WARNING:** This class has not been completely tested. Use at your own risk. Move object that allows Move object moves to be performed according to the order in move_list. To ensure detailed balance, the moves have an equal chance to be performed in listed or reverse order. Parameters ---------- moves : list of blues.move.Move """ def __init__(self, moves): self.moves = moves
[docs] def move(self, context): """Performs the move() functions of the Moves in move_list on a context. Parameters ---------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object Context containing the positions to be moved. Returns ------- context: simtk.openmm.Context object The same input context, but whose positions were changed by this function. """ rand = numpy.random.random() #to maintain detailed balance this executes both #the forward and reverse order moves with equal probability if rand > 0.5: for single_move in self.move_list: single_move.move(context) else: for single_move in reverse(self.move_list): single_move.move(context)