Source code for blues.utils

Provides a host of utility functions for the BLUES engine.

Authors: Samuel C. Gill
Contributors: Nathan M. Lim, David L. Mobley

import logging
import os
import sys
from math import ceil, floor
from platform import uname

import parmed
from simtk import openmm, unit

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def saveSimulationFrame(simulation, outfname): """Extracts a ParmEd structure and writes the frame given an OpenMM Simulation object. Parameters ---------- simulation : openmm.Simulation The OpenMM Simulation to write a frame from. outfname : str The output file name to save the simulation frame from. Supported extensions: - PDB (.pdb, pdb) - PDBx/mmCIF (.cif, cif) - PQR (.pqr, pqr) - Amber topology file (.prmtop/.parm7, amber) - CHARMM PSF file (.psf, psf) - CHARMM coordinate file (.crd, charmmcrd) - Gromacs topology file (.top, gromacs) - Gromacs GRO file (.gro, gro) - Mol2 file (.mol2, mol2) - Mol3 file (.mol3, mol3) - Amber ASCII restart (.rst7/.inpcrd/.restrt, rst7) - Amber NetCDF restart (.ncrst, ncrst) """ topology = simulation.topology system = simulation.context.getSystem() state = simulation.context.getState( getPositions=True, getVelocities=True, getParameters=True, getForces=True, getParameterDerivatives=True, getEnergy=True, enforcePeriodicBox=True) # Generate the ParmEd Structure structure = parmed.openmm.load_topology(topology, system, xyz=state.getPositions()), overwrite=True)'\tSaving Frame to: %s' % outfname)
[docs]def calculateNCMCSteps(nstepsNC=0, nprop=1, propLambda=0.3, **kwargs): """ Calculates the number of NCMC switching steps. Parameters ---------- nstepsNC : int The number of NCMC switching steps nprop : int, default=1 The number of propagation steps per NCMC switching steps propLambda : float, default=0.3 The lambda values in which additional propagation steps will be added or 0.5 +/- propLambda. If 0.3, this will add propgation steps at lambda values 0.2 to 0.8. """ ncmc_parameters = {} # Make sure provided NCMC steps is even. if (nstepsNC % 2) != 0: rounded_val = nstepsNC & ~1 msg = 'nstepsNC=%i must be even for symmetric protocol.' % (nstepsNC) if rounded_val: logger.warning(msg + ' Setting to nstepsNC=%i' % rounded_val) nstepsNC = rounded_val else: logger.error(msg) sys.exit(1) # Calculate the total number of lambda switching steps lambdaSteps = nstepsNC / (2 * (nprop * propLambda + 0.5 - propLambda)) if int(lambdaSteps) % 2 == 0: lambdaSteps = int(lambdaSteps) else: lambdaSteps = int(lambdaSteps) + 1 # Calculate number of lambda steps inside/outside region with extra propgation steps in_portion = (propLambda) * lambdaSteps out_portion = (0.5 - propLambda) * lambdaSteps in_prop = int(nprop * (2 * floor(in_portion))) out_prop = int((2 * ceil(out_portion))) propSteps = int(in_prop + out_prop) if propSteps != nstepsNC: logger.warn("nstepsNC=%s is incompatible with prop_lambda=%s and nprop=%s." % (nstepsNC, propLambda, nprop)) logger.warn("Changing NCMC protocol to %s lambda switching within %s total propagation steps." % (lambdaSteps, propSteps)) nstepsNC = lambdaSteps moveStep = int(nstepsNC / 2) ncmc_parameters = { 'nstepsNC': nstepsNC, 'propSteps': propSteps, 'moveStep': moveStep, 'nprop': nprop, 'propLambda': propLambda } return ncmc_parameters
[docs]def check_amber_selection(structure, selection): """ Given a AmberMask selection (str) for selecting atoms to freeze or restrain, check if it will actually select atoms. If the selection produces None, suggest valid residues or atoms. Parameters ---------- structure : parmed.Structure The structure of the simulated system selection : str The selection string uses Amber selection syntax to select atoms to be restrained/frozen during simulation. logger : logging.Logger Records information or streams to terminal. """ mask_idx = [] mask = parmed.amber.AmberMask(structure, str(selection)) mask_idx = [i for i in mask.Selected()] if not mask_idx: if ':' in selection: res_set = set( for residue in structure.residues) logger.error("'{}' was not a valid Amber selection. \n\tValid residue names: {}".format( selection, res_set)) elif '@' in selection: atom_set = set( for atom in structure.atoms) logger.error("'{}' was not a valid Amber selection. Valid atoms: {}".format(selection, atom_set)) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def parse_unit_quantity(unit_quantity_str): """ Utility for parsing parameters from the YAML file that require units. Parameters ---------- unit_quantity_str : str A string specifying a quantity and it's units. i.e. '3.024 * daltons' Returns ------- unit_quantity : simtk.unit.Quantity i.e `unit.Quantity(3.024, unit=dalton)` """ value, u = unit_quantity_str.replace(' ', '').split('*') if '/' in u: u = u.split('/') return unit.Quantity(float(value), eval('%s/unit.%s' % (u[0], u[1]))) return unit.Quantity(float(value), eval('unit.%s' % u))
[docs]def zero_masses(system, atomList=None): """ Zeroes the masses of specified atoms to constrain certain degrees of freedom. Arguments --------- system : penmm.System system to zero masses atomList : list of ints atom indicies to zero masses Returns ------- system : openmm.System The modified system with massless atoms. """ for index in (atomList): system.setParticleMass(index, 0 * unit.daltons) return system
[docs]def atomIndexfromTop(resname, topology): """ Get atom indices of a ligand from OpenMM Topology. Arguments --------- resname: str resname that you want to get the atom indicies for (ex. 'LIG') topology: str, optional, default=None path of topology file. Include if the topology is not included in the coord_file Returns ------- lig_atoms : list of ints list of atoms in the coordinate file matching lig_resname """ lig_atoms = [] for atom in topology.atoms(): if str(resname) in lig_atoms.append(atom.index) return lig_atoms
[docs]def get_data_filename(package_root, relative_path): """Get the full path to one of the reference files in testsystems. In the source distribution, these files are in ``blues/data/``, but on installation, they're moved to somewhere in the user's python site-packages directory. Adapted from: Parameters ---------- package_root : str Name of the included/installed python package relative_path : str Path to the file within the python package Returns ------- fn : str Full path to file """ from pkg_resources import resource_filename fn = resource_filename(package_root, os.path.join(relative_path)) if not os.path.exists(fn): raise ValueError("Sorry! %s does not exist. If you just added it, you'll have to re-install" % fn) return fn
[docs]def spreadLambdaProtocol(switching_values, steps, switching_types='auto', kind='cubic', return_tab_function=True): """ Takes a list of lambda values (either for sterics or electrostatics) and transforms that list to be spread out over a given `steps` range to be easily compatible with the OpenMM Discrete1DFunction tabulated function. Parameters ---------- switching_values : list A list of lambda values decreasing from 1 to 0. steps : int The number of steps wanted for the tabulated function. switching_types : str, optional, default='auto' The type of lambda switching the `switching_values` corresponds to, either 'auto', 'electrostatics', or 'sterics'. If 'electrostatics' this assumes the inital value immediately decreases from 1. If 'sterics' this assumes the inital values stay at 1 for some period. If 'auto' this function tries to guess the switching_types based on this, based on typical lambda protocols turning off the electrostatics completely, before turning off sterics. kind : str, optional, default='cubic' The kind of interpolation that should be performed (using scipy.interpolate.interp1d) to define the lines between the points of switching_values. Returns ------- tab_steps : list or simtk.openmm.openmm.Discrete1DFunction List of length `steps` that corresponds to the tabulated-friendly version of the input switching_values. If return-tab_function=True Examples -------- >>> from simtk.openmm.openmm import Continuous1DFunction, Discrete1DFunction >>> sterics = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.95, 0.8848447462380346, 0.8428373352131427, 0.7928373352131427, 0.7490146003095886, 0.6934088361682191, 0.6515123083157823, 0.6088924298371354, 0.5588924298371354, 0.5088924298371353, 0.4649556683144045, 0.4298606804827029, 0.3798606804827029, 0.35019373288005945, 0.31648339779024653, 0.2780498882483276, 0.2521302239477468, 0.23139484523965026, 0.18729812232625365, 0.15427643961733822, 0.12153116162972155, 0.09632462702545555, 0.06463743549588846, 0.01463743549588846, 0.0] >>> statics = [1.0, 0.8519493439593149, 0.7142750443470669, 0.5385929179832776, 0.3891972949356391, 0.18820309596839535, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] >>> statics_tab = spreadLambdaProtocol(statics, opt['nstepsNC'], switching_types='auto') >>> sterics_tab = spreadLambdaProtocol(sterics, opt['nstepsNC'], switching_types='sterics') >>> # Assuming some Context already exists: >>> context._integrator.addTabulatedFunction( 'sterics_tab', sterics_tab) >>> context._integrator.addTabulatedFunction( 'electrostatics_tab', statics_tab) """ #In order to symmetrize the interpolation of turning lambda on/off use the 1.0/0.0 values as a guide one_counts = switching_values.count(1.0) counts = switching_values.index(0.0) #symmetrize the lambda values so that the off state is at the middle switching_values = switching_values + (switching_values)[::-1][1:] #find the original scaling of lambda, from 0 to 1 x = [float(j) / float(len(switching_values) - 1) for j in range(len(switching_values))] #find the new scaling of lambda, accounting for the number of steps xsteps = np.arange(0, 1. + 1. / float(steps), 1. / float(steps)) #interpolate to find the intermediate values of lambda interpolate = interp1d(x, switching_values, kind=kind) #next we check if we're doing a electrostatic or steric protocol #interpolation doesn't guarantee if switching_types == 'auto': if switching_values[1] == 1.0: switching_types = 'sterics' else: switching_types = 'electrostatics' if switching_types == 'sterics': tab_steps = [ 1.0 if (xsteps[i] < x[(one_counts - 1)] or xsteps[i] > x[-(one_counts)]) else j for i, j in enumerate(interpolate(xsteps)) ] elif switching_types == 'electrostatics': tab_steps = [ 0.0 if (xsteps[i] > x[(counts)] and xsteps[i] < x[-(counts + 1)]) else j for i, j in enumerate(interpolate(xsteps)) ] else: raise ValueError('`switching_types` should be either sterics or electrostatics, currently ' + switching_types) tab_steps = [j if i <= floor(len(tab_steps) / 2.) else tab_steps[(-i) - 1] for i, j in enumerate(tab_steps)] for i, j in enumerate(tab_steps): if j < 0.0 or j > 1.0: raise ValueError( 'This function is not working properly.', 'value %f at index %i is not bounded by 0.0 and 1.0 Please check if your switching_type is correct' % (j, i)) if return_tab_function: tab_steps = Discrete1DFunction(tab_steps) return tab_steps